Do you always feel that leading a healthy life with healthy foods in your grocery list is going to make a hole in your pocket? Do you feel that to eat healthy will always require exotic vegetables that are imported and aren’t the ones grown locally?
Well that’s because the ideology of following a healthy lifestyle is pretty much westernised since a decade now. To work on your health goals, all you would think of is oats, quinoa, gluten free food items and imported vegetables that costs you triple the price than the local & indigenous foods.
The westernisation has led to a drastic change in our daily eating patterns as well such as choosing brown bread over white, eating quinoa and buckwheat over whole wheat, opting for brown/red/black rice over our traditional white rice. This is not only letting us enjoy our plates and meals but also is a burden over our income.
Then what is the way out?
To stay healthy in it’s truest form and to sustain that lifestyle, one needs to know and eat the foods grown in and around one’s city/town. Locally grown fruits and vegetables that are available easily in it’s season are the best nutrition foods that can help you with your health & immunity.
Choosing seasonal green leafy vegetables are not only nutritious but are pocket friendly and are easily available at your doorstep. It is very important to identify the indigenous whole grains that are grown around your town which helps you in living better according to the demography & culture for example, Rice is the staple food of South Indians as it’s grown there in ample amount.
Eating seasonal is another aspect that can help you minimise your budget to eat healthy. Looking out for berries and other winter fruits in summer can become highly expensive for you. Buying frozen fruits and vegetables of other season to incorporate in your current meal plans can also add to your grocery bills.
Not only it will cost you financially but also affect your health because to make strawberries and watermelons available in the wrong season is almost impossible due to climate changes. Ever wondered how do we still get it? Because they’re grown artificially by using a high amount of chemicals. These aren’t great for our gut system and are not nutritionally helpful.
So stop eating off-season food items to claim it healthy, but start working on identifying the local foods around you and load your body with nutrition all round the year! Eating healthy can be easily managed with a low cut of income to invest in good food.
I’d love to learn more about you and how we can work together to get our healthy meals on the table.