Mruganda shah

I had never been able to shed off those extra kilos even after trying many diets and consulting different dieticians. So, when I came Across health habitat the first thought I had in mind was chalo let’s give a try to one more nutritionist but then after consulting and starting the diet I was surprised that my body had actually started responding to the diets and I could eat my favourite things and still reach my goals. My mood has been uplifted and I feel energetic throughout the day. Even my food cravings have reduced and my stamina has increased. Especially as this is my postpartum journey, I could visibly see the changes in my body. The recipes have been amazing. I had never thought that getting healthy would be this interesting as I am a foodie and love eating new things. Prachi has never failed to amaze us with new recipes every week. The customer satisfaction is 100% for follow ups and query solving as she is available 24×7 to solve our queries.


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I’d love to learn more about you and how we can work together to get our healthy meals on the table.