
Carbs vs. Protein: What’s Best Before a Workout for Muscle Gain

When looking into how workouts and food intake can be coordinated for maximum benefits in terms of both quality and quantity, your initial inquiry may revolve around whether it’s beneficial to skip breakfast or follow a different fast-and-burn regimen.

Certain research indicates that engaging in vigorous exercise like running, swimming, or biking without eating beforehand can enhance fat burning and support weight reduction. Nonetheless, numerous experts advise against fasting before exercising. Exercise on a stomach without food will speed up fat burning, but it fails to give you enough energy for intense, long-term exercise.

The danger of sprains, strains, stress fractures, and other exercise-related accidents can also increase with exhaustion. Moreover, excessive depletion of the body could lead individuals to overconsume later, negating the positive effects of working out initially.

Hence, proper fueling before working out is the superior way to enhance performance. This helps to keep the body energized, ensuring a constant supply of energy and a feeling of fullness in the stomach. Having prior knowledge of why, what, and when you should eat can have a substantial impact on your performance during training. 

Why should you have a Pre-Workout meal?

Refueling the body’s temporary storage in order type of carbohydrates, or glycogen, is the main goal of a pre-workout meal. This helps meet immediate energy needs and is particularly important for morning workouts, as the liver becomes glycogen-depleted from supporting the nervous system during sleep. In contrast, the muscles should already be loaded with glycogen from consuming proper recovery nutrition the previous day. 

The body doesn’t require a large amount, but it does need something to kickstart the metabolism, provide an immediate energy source, and enable the planned intensity and duration of the upcoming workout. However, what should this something be? The choice can significantly impact the success of a workout. It’s beneficial to try various pre-exercise snacks or meals and then stick with the ones that work best for the specific circumstances. 

When is the best time to have Pre-Workout meal?

It is critical to drink water before working out to avoid being dehydrated. To promote quick stomach emptying, it is recommended to consume only blended or liquid items like the best natural pre workout drink or smoothie within an hour of an event or workout, allowing at least 4 hours for excess fluid excretion. Remember that each of us is unique and our bodies may function in varying ways. Understanding what works best for you may require some investigation. To determine what pre-event/activity meal time, size, and component combinations work best for them, athletes should experiment. 

What exactly should I eat before a workout for weight loss: Carbs or Protein?

For gaining muscle, the proper pre-workout meal is one that is:

  1. rich in carbohydrates
  2. moderate in protein content (approximately 15-25 grams)
  3. low in the amount of fat

When and how much you eat depends on your weight, degree of physical activity, and time of day. Consider having a larger snack or a smaller meal 30 minutes to 2 hours prior to your activity if you plan to work out before your next meal but before four hours after eating. In this instance, the main course of the meal should be carbs, with a minor quantity of protein. 

Here are some important points to consider when preparing your meal. 

1. Carbs in Your Meal Before Working Out

Ensure to have carbohydrates in your homemade Pre Workout Meal for Muscle Gain because they serve the primary source of fuel for your body.  

You should have 3-5 gms of carbohydrates per kilogram of your body weight. If your goal is to get more muscles then set your goal as higher so that it works for you.
It is advised to stick to the lower end of the range and divide carbohydrate intake equally between breakfast, lunch, and dinner for anyone trying to maintain their slender figure or reduce weight. Allow at least 30 to 60 grams of carbs each day, divided however you see fit, to be consumed prior to exercising. 

2. Protein in Your Meal before Exercising

Consuming protein increases feelings of fullness and aids in the maintenance of muscle mass. This lessens the desire to eat in order to avoid getting ravenous while exercising. Therefore, aim for a pre-workout breakfast that has between 15 and 25 grams of protein. Protein requirements differ according to body weight and muscle mass, however it is generally recommended to consume more protein when trying to lose weight rather than grow muscle. Again, you want to avoid your muscles breaking down when on a low-calorie diet, which is why you should consume this much protein. A straightforward rule of thumb for preserving muscle mass is to eat one gram of protein for each pound of body weight. 

3. Fat content in Your Meal Before Exercising

It is important to avoid having fat in your stomach during exercise as it digests slowly and can cause a heavy feeling, highlighting the importance of keeping track of the fat content in pre workout for weight loss. 

Examples of Pre-Workout Meals for Muscle Gain 

  • Greek yogurt with berries and granola 
  • Overnight oats with low-fat milk and fruit 
  • Breakfast burrito with potatoes, eggs and beans 

Why is a pre-workout meal important for weight loss and muscle gain?

Your body uses the carbs it has stored during the night to fuel its healing processes after a demanding day. Your body may therefore start using the breakdown of muscle as an energy source if you miss a pre-workout meal. Muscle breakdown can result from consuming too little protein or calories since the body won’t have enough fuel to power the muscles. Missing a meal prevents muscle growth, negating the benefits of healthy eating and exercise. 

However, eating a balanced meal prior to working out can help avoid these depletions in your muscle mass stores. In simple terms, when you work out, the improvements you make will not only restore your balance after exercising on an empty stomach, but will also enhance your overall stability.

Consuming pre-workout meals can improve muscle-building objectives by boosting effectiveness in both workouts and meal preparation. Skipping meals prior to working out is the same as achieving minimal overall advancement. 

The impact of the best pre-workout meal for muscle gain on performance.

In the end, eating before a workout helps in muscle building by giving the energy needed to improve performance in physical activities. You may have more endurance and energy to finish the whole exercise session without getting fatigued quickly. It is possible for you to exceed the highest weight you have ever lifted in certain exercises.

Not eating while doing strength training will result in decreased strength. Consuming food prior to working out can improve results at the gym and eventually result in increased muscular growth. 


Eating before working out is essential for building muscle. When properly made, it helps you achieve peak performance in physical activities, avoids hunger, and prevents muscle breakdown that may occur during intense exercise. Ensure you are conscious of when you eat and choose nourishing, healthy foods 

Prachi Shah

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